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هل تخطط لبدء مصنع في الهند؟

India has been one of the biggest and the fastest growing economies of the world continuously for several years. The country has made huge progress in each and every sphere; Science, Technology, Manufacturing, Agriculture, Education, Infrastructure and so on. It is one of the few countries in the world that offers huge market coupled with political stability, secure environment, educated and young population, large middle income segment and a government committed to promote business. It is today one of the fastest prospering nations across the globe.


A comparison with China will indicate that at present, India scores over China as a more favoured investment destination due to several reasons. Some of them are:


  1. India has politically stable democratic government which has proved its strength in last 70 years. The government is committed to promote business activity.

  2. India has the largest pool of young population the World. More than 55% of our population is under the age of 35 years. This offers labour that is energetic and priced competitively.

  3. Excellent education system has ensured that most Indians can understand English well. It also offers skilled workers for all levels of jobs.

  4. India has a stable and favourable currency for exports, unlike China which has been appreciating steadily.

  5. Freehold Factory Land in India can be owned by the buyer forever. It is not on lease, just for few years.

  6. Indian legal system is easy to understand and follow.


There can be many more as the list is long.


Another important factor is the 2017 Global Rankings of World Bank in Ease of Doing Business, where India was named as one of the top 10 countries in reforming its business environment, recognizing its strengthened protections for big and small investors and progress in digitization. India is the only large country this year to have achieved such a significant shift, indicating that the country is continuing its steady transition towards best practices in business regulation.

This is why we invite you to invest in India, and to invest with us. We are offering Freehold Factory Lands for you to establish your Industrial Production Facilities in Gujarat. Why Gujarat? Because Gujarat is the most Industrialised State of India with excellent Infrastructural Facilities and offers a favourable environment for establishing Industries In India.

كانت الهند واحدة من أكبر وأسرع الاقتصادات نمواً في العالم بشكل مستمر لعدة سنوات. حققت البلاد تقدما هائلا في كل المجالات. العلوم والتكنولوجيا والتصنيع والزراعة والتعليم والبنية التحتية وهلم جرا. وهي واحدة من البلدان القليلة في العالم التي توفر سوقًا ضخمًا مقرونا بالاستقرار السياسي والبيئة الآمنة والسكان المتعلمين والشباب وقطاع كبير متوسط ​​الدخل وحكومة ملتزمة بتعزيز الأعمال. إنها اليوم واحدة من أسرع الدول ازدهارًا في جميع أنحاء العالم.

تشير المقارنة مع الصين إلى أن الهند تسجل في الوقت الحالي أكثر من الصين باعتبارها وجهة استثمارية أكثر تفضيلاً بسبب عدة أسباب. البعض منهم

  1. India has politically stable democratic government which has proved its strength in last 70 years. The government is committed to promote business activity.

  2. India has the largest pool of young population the World. More than 55% of our population is under the age of 35 years. This offers labour that is energetic and priced competitively.

  3. Excellent education system has ensured that most Indians can understand English well. It also offers skilled workers for all levels of jobs.

  4. India has a stable and favourable currency for exports, unlike China which has been appreciating steadily.

  5. Freehold Factory Land in India can be owned by the buyer forever. It is not on lease, just for few years.

  6. Indian legal system is easy to understand and follow.


There can be many more as the list is long.


Another important factor is the 2017 Global Rankings of World Bank in Ease of Doing Business, where India was named as one of the top 10 countries in reforming its business environment, recognizing its strengthened protections for big and small investors and progress in digitization. India is the only large country this year to have achieved such a significant shift, indicating that the country is continuing its steady transition towards best practices in business regulation.

This is why we invite you to invest in India, and to invest with us. We are offering Freehold Factory Lands for you to establish your Industrial Production Facilities in Gujarat. Why Gujarat? Because Gujarat is the most Industrialised State of India with excellent Infrastructural Facilities and offers a favourable environment for establishing Industries In India.

© 2017, project owned by Scan Packaging, a subsidiary of Scan Holdings Private Limited. 

© 2022, project owned by Scan Packaging Private Limited, a subsidiary of Scan Holdings Private Limited. 

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